Thursday, December 12, 2013

seasons out of time

In not necessarily chronological order, here are some happenings in our corner:

Jake the Dog (who is fine!) decided to take on a truck in the dark streets of the east side. It was a scary episode for the boys, but after an emergency visit and some meds he is back to his old self, with the addition of a handsome face-plant scar.

The boy has been busy with his Shakespeare gang, and his list of people-he-is-taller-than is getting longer. (My slot rapidly approaches.) And we made our now-traditional-yearly hike up the rock.

Also tradition:

We welcomed the arrival of our cousin Aden, who is to die for!

Life's full circle and all...made a road trip to the east coast for my grandfather's funeral. I did not know him well. The history involved is difficult, but I am thankful that I was able go on this journey with my dad and sister. It seemed to me some healing happened too, somewhere amidst the smoky, cocktail-infused conga lines and ballads. (!!)

  (watch it, heh heh...)

And the stories!! My dad's storytelling is pretty legendary...and what is better than a tale well told as you blaze down the interstate in the middle of the night? 

For the record? I think my parents are effing rad. I'm grateful that they are people I admire, and that I get to be a part of their world. Words fail me, but I guess it just makes me something rich flows deeply within me that these folks who I dig so much are my people, my history, my story. If my kid adores me half as get the idea. 

Props, y'all.

Mmkay. Also the annual post-turkey backyard um, football game took place. There were many gems from this are a few.

House/farm progess: insulation, walls, window sills, a sink or two, a/c, and yours truly got to slap some tile down in the bathroom. 

The field wasn't producing very well, so it got re-tilled and seeded with a cover crop to give it some juice.

Our first guest accommodations have arrived!

Just kidding. It's our neeeeew chiiicken cooooop! On wheels! (I have stopped having opinions on matters such as these. Well, at least out loud...ok, I'm trying.) 

Aaand we even managed to squeeze in a little cultural learning, museum style. 

But as far as a 12 year old boy is concerned, Picasso has nothing on the Passat we were stuck behind that day whose owner had removed the 'P' and the 'at'. That guy is a real hero, putting the 'ass' in Passat and all...Picasso could have done it too...just sayin'.

All the best until...well, with my track record it'll probably be next year. :) Stay warm and cozy, enjoy some hot toddies and naps and a book or two. 

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