Thursday, February 28, 2013

it's all about the bunny

our newest addition is getting a lot of (my) attention. it's nice with so much going on and up in the air (STILL waiting to move the house, much to the chagrin of the former owner of the house who wants it OFF his property) to just sit and hold a wee creature. he (she?) is taking milk from a tiny bottle the mr and the boy got from an ag place. 

there really isn't anything much cuter than a baby bunny licking its lips. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

and we can make the ass drop

all the *@#%#! paperwork has been signed, ridiculous amounts. 

now begins the real work. the test of the sanity we have left.

the house had an addition, which came off. we will reuse the windows and salvage as much of the lumber as we can.

last week it looked like this (the back part is gone):

see how it's crooked? that's because they get under the house with these hydraulic "pillows" they fill with air to lift the house up, put the skid thingies on wheels underneath (i really should use this as an opportunity to learn the terminology), lower it onto them, secure it and whatnot with wood blocks to its frame, and voila, a house on wheelz.  

(faith, y'all...i didn't know he was under there till i started taking the photos.)

from the front:

it's really hard to capture. 

how cool are these beauties, found on site:

which we have decided were for hooch. because this house is old, like prohibition old, we think. exact date built is unknown. 

i'm not aware of the spot where the house will live. but somewhere near here:

i must again give a shout of thanks to the parental units who keep housing us while we stay to take care of business, eat their food, drink their whiskey, and relax in the peacefulness of the prepared environment that is there for us.


i've started packing already in the hopes of being really organized when the future move catches up with us. this is what happens when you leave the tape/sharpies out:

(eco-disclaimer: don't judge my plastic bins. (i hate plastic bins.) the storage barn that will hold these items has been known to be home to brown recluses and a lady needs some peace of mind. i'll reuse them, promise.)

there could be an entire blathering post about how i am having issues ooze up around the fact that i am coming back to a place i left behind. for my own dignity, i'll skip it. (and, duh! it's a little late now!) it warms my heart to see this at the local hardware store (the healing begins):

if you're in need of a chuckle, you can read reviews of this dandy item here. (thanks kami!)

ok, that's all for now. believe it or not, i held back. much love.