Thursday, March 6, 2014

put some trim on it

I don't even know where to start. These days I have been living in alternating states of vicious overwhelm and off-grid-checked-out calm. I suppose it's as good a balance as can be expected.

It has been one year since we moved the house. A year. And that doesn't count the chunk of time leading up to that moment, from the summer day we were driving around in the country and stumbled upon this 'place'...and immediately wrote it off as impossible and downright nuts...but couldn't stop thinking about it and one of us had a very strong gut feeling, and the other of us had to honor that...

Looking through my photos seems to reflect my states of mind. I have LOTS of photos of cracks in walls and holes in floors...and only a few of progress being made. It's hard to capture the stages as they happen, and usually once something huge happens, like a finished room, that space becomes the new storage room full of tools and junk so that other spaces can get worked on. 

The reasons for these huge gaps in posts vary. Often it's a case of not having anything nice to say, or thoughts bubble up on the cabin-to-farm commute and then evaporate, or the fact that I've spent copious amounts of time in a pocket of country with no phone signal or internet. I've been plugged into a different sort of grid, the kind that revolves around 400 square feet, a wood stove, some cooking, a vcr and a stack of thrift-store movies on tape. It's actually kind of awesome...instead of visiting a friend it's like visiting a time. We've watched some great flicks with the boy: Apollo 13, Jurassic Park, Batman with Michael Keaton. And I am no stranger to hanging out and nurturing relationships with imaginary friends, or following various white rabbits, so it's quite lovely.

(The cabin is our HQ these days, not the airstream due to cold temps and frozen pipes! Still living small, just not quite so small...)

SO MUCH has been done. And yet the list of things that still need to happen is daunting. I've had some zen-like days spent filling in nail holes and sanding spots on floors here and there (by hand! with a piece of sandpaper!)...but I'm more than ready for this to wrap up. (And often as not those zen moments turn into frustration because it never seems to end!)

Here are a few photos of what we've been up to. Hopefully next post will be a little more visually informative. At least there are a few places to sit, and we've worked in some visits for tea with friends. :)